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1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……
1. 么 [me]2. 么 [mó]3. 么 [ma]4. 么 [yāo]么 [me]词尾:怎~。这~。多~。什~。助词,表示含蓄语气,用在前半句末了:不让你去~,你又要去。么 [mó]亦作“庅”。“麼”的简化字。么 [ma]同“吗”。么 ……
汉语拼音:shèn me
唐 吕岩 《赠江州太平观道士》诗:“不知甚么汉,一任辈流嗤。” 元 刘唐卿 《蔡顺奉母》第二折:“要我这婆婆好,不问要甚么,都得捨。”《水浒传》第五四回:“ 李逵 道:‘你使的甚么鸟好,教众人喝采!’” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第三段:“对江烟火更大,江桥被烟包围着,甚么也看不见。”
The twelve princesses stood behind the door and listened to what he had to say.
此时,十二个公主都站在门后张着耳朵,想听听他究竟说些甚么。I am alive for some good reason that You know better than I do.
我们存活是为著一些好的理由,您比我们自己更清楚那是甚么。We do not know what his parents called him. Moses is the name given to him by Pharaoh's daughter and simply means 'drawn out'.
我们不晓得他的父母为他起了个甚么名字,只知道法老的女儿为他起了「摩西」这个名字,意思很简单,就是解作「拉出来」。Well to receive it you ve got to be there before you know how to give it away.
神给你甚么祝福,接受,必须先接受,才懂得施予。Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing?
你不以为应当细心查抄一下合同,以避免漏掉甚么吗?It was as if you knew, or you felt what was coming; it was as if deep in you, it was already your.
似乎,你从中感知了甚么,似乎,在你的心中,它已是自己的。Can you think of a time youve ever been asked to turn your cell phone on in church ?
可否想起来?在教会里,有人要你启动手机,甚么时候?。And he insulted me. You know what he said?
他竟羞辱我,你知道他说甚么吗?After much ado, he opens them, but without appearing to see his visitors or any other objects.