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单纯、独一、集中在一件事上:~长(cháng )。~使。~心致志。独自掌握和占有:~利。~车。~有。~断。姓。……
1. 横 [héng]2. 横 [hèng]横 [héng]跟地面平行的,与“竖”、“直”相对:~梁。~楣。~额。~幅。~批。~披(长条形横幅字画)。~匾。~标。~空。左右向的,跟目视方向垂直的,与“竖”、“直”、“纵”相对:~写。~排。~……
汉语拼音:zhuān hèng
《南史·谢弘微传》:“中书舍人 黄睦之 ,家居 乌程 ,子弟专横,前太守皆折节事之。”《明史·高拱传》:“ 拱 既逐 贞吉 ,专横益著。” 朱德 《新农村》诗:“解放农人歌自得,专横地主莫高飞。” 袁静 《伏虎记》第三三回:“五年来,这个狂妄、专横、自以为不可一世的恶魔,在这间办公室里指手划脚,发号施令,干尽了坏事。”
After all, it would be arrogant and presumptuous for anyone to tell people to engage in sexual activities they do not like.
毕竟,告发他人参与他们自己不喜欢的性活动,对于任何人来说都是傲慢的和专横的。the irascible, autocratic Ford would prove as inept a chief executive in his later years as he had been brilliant in his youth.
而事实证明,性情暴躁且专横的福特虽然年轻时才华横溢,但到了晚年却变成了一个无能的首席执行官。She also dreamed of the day she would be old enough to leave home and get away from her controlling father.
她还梦想有一天她长大成人好离开家,脱离她专横的父亲。I have had to contend against the unkindness of his sister and the insolence of his mother.
我必须与他姐姐的冷酷和他母亲的专横抗争。It was all foreign enough to bring out the bossy nurse in Flora, she had meant to be kind.
这时,弗洛拉摆出一副专横的护士的架子是不合适的,她现在想和气一些。More importantly, when the gust of his presumptuousness had blown over, a quick glance around the cabin showed that he had a point.
更重要的是,当他的专横狂风过后,我快速一瞥机舱,发现他的话有一定的道理。It was rather high-handed of him to take that decision without consulting others first.
他太专横,没有和大家商量就做出了那个决定。As she was peremptorily ordered not to like him, she immediately made up her mind that she would.
既然这么专横地命令她不准喜欢他,她立刻下了决心,她要喜欢他。Do not be so authoritative when you ask me to do something.