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汉语拼音:hòu chè
After a year of almost continuous retreat in Africa, Sicily, and Italy, the German troops were glad to turn about and fight.
一年来,德军从非洲,西西里岛和意大利几乎马不停蹄地后撤,这时高兴地转过身来杀回马枪了。As he took a step backward, the magician turned to face him, fixing him with a pair of unsettlingly deep brown eyes.
当他后撤了一步时,法师转过身来,一双让人不安的深褐色眼睛注视着他。Deco needed to go deep or wide to support his team-mates, or to run forward behind his strikers, but his was a pedestrian display.
德科需要往本队腹地后撤或横向移动,以为队友提供更多的支持,要么就向上推进,紧贴前锋后面,但他在场上简直就是一个散步的闲人。An awkward silence as Sara takes a breath to compose herself. She looks into his eyes and asks, "What do you want from me, Michael? "
然后,她慢慢将脸后撤,这是一段令人尴尬的沉默,Sara做了个深呼吸定了定神,她看着Michael的眼睛问道,“你想从我这得到什么,Michael?”Stand in the bed, two-hand bed, feet to the retreat, the body in a straight line, the two forearm flexion, the body down the pressure.
立在床边,两手扶床,两脚向后撤,身体成一直线,两前臂弯屈,身体向下压。Our civilisation will not survive in anything like its present form, but we can at least aim for a managed retreat to a saner world.
我们的文明将无法以任何一种目前的形式维系,不过我们至少能有目标地稳步后撤,回到一个更理智的世界。Not the total mobilization of the armed forces, but their immobilization or withdrawal.
不是军队总动员,而是军队不动员,或向后撤。The second move is the Stepback, where the player jabs his inside foot into the defender and follows it up with a hop back to create space.
第二个动作是一个后撤跳步,球员利用内侧脚向防守球员作探步的同时垫步后跳,以制造空间。Government forces, he said, were holding back to observe the cease-fire.