查字网 版权所有 苏ICP备11037243号
1. 摄 [shè]2. 摄 [niè]摄 [shè]拿,吸取:~取。~像。~影。~食。保养:~生。~重(zhòng )。珍~。代理:~行(xíng )(代职务)。~政(代君主管理国家)。捕捉:勾~。迫近:“~乎大国之间”。古同“慑”,怕,……
相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……
事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……
汉语拼音:shè xiàng jī
But maybe I am ready to step out of the limelight a little bit, away from the cameras.
但可能我会远离一点媒体的聚光灯,远离摄像机。It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen .
当你在任何公共场所或在摄像机的范围内让你的想法漫步徘徊是非常危险的。Digital cameras, camcorders, and the Internet make it easy to create and share lawful adult material in a wide variety of ways.
数码相机、摄像机和互联网的存在使得人们可以很容易以多种方式来制作并分享合法的成人内容。A cylinder camera type is usually used for a special type of panorama.
柱形摄像机通常用于一种特别的全景图效果。I thought it was dirty because your face, I could tell, I didn't even know you. You were just like: get the camera out of my face.
我觉得那表演很下流。因为你当时的表情,我能看出来,那时我还不认识你。你的表情就像是在说:别用摄像机对着我的脸。Real-time detect the camera No. monitored, notes for the state of the equipment is plenty and easy to understand.
实时监测监示器所监视的摄像机号,设备状态提示丰富明瞭。Bottom Elevation - Defines how far down the camera is allowed to see .
底部高度-定义摄像机向下的视角。So, it came as a bit of a surprise when cameras trained on Discovery captured images of flying foam once again.
当发现号上的摄像机再次拍到飞落的泡沫材料时,大家都很吃惊。The Axis 205's low price and easy set-up makes it a good choice if you want to set up multiple indoor network cameras.