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1. 喳 [zhā]2. 喳 [chā]喳 [zhā]旧时仆役对主人的应诺声:~,太后有何吩咐。象声词,鸟叫声:喜鹊~~叫。喳 [chā]低语声:嘁嘁~~。……
1. 喳 [zhā]2. 喳 [chā]喳 [zhā]旧时仆役对主人的应诺声:~,太后有何吩咐。象声词,鸟叫声:喜鹊~~叫。喳 [chā]低语声:嘁嘁~~。……
汉语拼音:chā chā
Hometown naive blue! The swallow eager from south fly back, in Zhan basket sky peep out so, as if in singing hymns of spring.
家乡的天真蓝啊!燕子迫不及待的从南方飞回来了,在湛篮的天空中叽叽喳喳的叫着,仿佛在唱着春天的赞歌。but his sobs were overheard by some friendly sparrows, who flew to him in great excitement, and implored him to exert himself.
可这哭泣声被几只友善的麻雀听到了,他们叽叽喳喳地飞到彼得身边,劝他再做一番努力。It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. "
在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。Notice that Henry waited until after Fifa ruled out a replay before saying it might be the right solution.
亨利叽叽喳喳地辩解道。注意,亨利一直等到国际足联排除重赛可能之后,才放话说重赛是合理的解决方案。gave it to the servant and got up. All rose, and talking just as noisily, went into the drawing-room.
他把酒瓶交给仆人,站立起来,大家都站立起来,仍然是谈东道西,唧唧喳喳,在嘈杂声中走进了客厅。the woman walked forward among the boxes and bales of the lower deck , and , sitting down , busied herself with chirruping to her baby.
那妇人家从下层甲板上的货箱和棉花包中向前走去,最后坐定下来,唧唧喳喳地忙着哄她的娃娃。The usual chatter of young mothers was unknown to her, and any discussions about children would be of a serious nature.
她从来没有象一般年轻母亲那样叽叽喳喳地唠叨个没完。每当谈起孩子们时,她总是讲些严肃的事儿。Heads turned when they came in, and a murmur, barely audible, of astonishment and pleasure swept over the church.
她们进来时,人们都一个个转过头来,一阵勉强听得见的惊讶和快乐的叽叽喳喳声掠过教堂。I don't want to hear another peep out of you children until you've finished your homework.