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元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第一折:“未语人前先腼腆,樱桃红绽,玉粳白露,半晌恰方言。” 明 徐霖 《绣襦记·谋脱金蝉》:“囊空情减杀,礼貌欠从容,登堂腼腆,只恐簧言讥讽。”《红楼梦》第七回:“他生的腼腆,没见过大阵仗儿,婶子见了,没的生气。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十五:“那天晚上,在她的楼里,谈了半点钟的话,惊心于她的腼腆与温柔。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部二三:“这时候, 栽花先生 叫 郭主任 挑衣。 郭全海 站在 萧队长 旁边,不肯去挑,腼腆地说道:‘配啥算啥。’”
Despite shyness that he never overcame, he was a natural singer and dancer, and took to the frontman role with relish.
虽然迈克尔一辈子也没能克服腼腆的性格,但他在歌舞方面实在是天赋异禀,并顺理成章地当上了主场。She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her, ie so that she is no longer shy.
她过去十分腼腆,但在国外呆了一年以後完全变了。Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childlike look, and winsome fanciful ways, and shy tremulous grace.
当他回想起她那稚气的面容、迷人的万种媚态和腼腆怯懦的柔雅风度时,泪水涌上了他的眼睛。In a strange way he was both inarticulate and a bit shy, and yet enveloped in his warmth.
很怪,他不爱说话,还有点腼腆,但是充满热情。She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her.
她过去十分腼腆,但在国外待了一年后完全变了。There was something of the fawn in her grace and startled eyes.
她那腼腆的温文神情和受惊的眼神里有一种媚态。He was a man of diffidence and reserve, yet he was always caught up in the political storms of recent decades.
这位杰出的哈佛政治学者一直是一个腼腆含蓄的人,但最近几十年的政治风暴总是不可避免的与他扯上关系。He talked rather shyly, hesitatingly, as though it were torture to him to speak and yet he was forced to by some inner passion.
他讲话腼腼腆腆、犹犹豫豫,好象发言对他是一种折磨,而某种内在的激情又迫使他非讲不可。Cody was a timid, small child. Seeing tears well up in his eyes, as he recounted the event, wrung our hearts dry.