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相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……
汉语拼音:sù xiàng
宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗一》:“ 北邙山 玄玄观 南,有老君庙……神仙塑像,皆 开元 中 杨惠之 所制。” 清 周亮工 《书影》卷七:“若塑像面貌衣冠,又逾于影。” 徐迟 《祁连山下》一:“还有那些巍峨的教堂里的壁画、塑像和建筑艺术……我们的画家都去看了。”
Barney : Uh, just seeing how the other half lives. You know this statue thing pulls this whole room together?
巴尼:看看女人是怎么生活的,这些塑像使整个房间很协调。The corners of her mouth voluptuously turned up, as in the antique masks of Erigone, had an air of encouraging the audacious.
她嘴的两角含情脉脉地向上翘着,正如爱里柯尼的古代塑像,带着一种鼓励人放肆的神气。Pictures of the president, Bashar Assad, have been torn down and a plinth where a statue of his father, Hafez, once towers stands empty.
总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(BasharAssad)的画像已经被撕掉而曾经耸立着其父哈菲兹(Hafez)塑像之处,现在只剩空空如也的基座。We use the same ratio you see on the outside of the box or on your insert card, to produce the correct number of each figure.
我们用跟你所看到的外盒或内卡相同的比率,来生产正确数量的每个塑像。NADIM SHAHADI: "I believe that the trigger for this was the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein. This was a huge shock to the region. "
我认为这一切的导火索是萨达姆塑像的倒下,这是对该地区的一个巨大冲击。A large color portrait of Chairman Mao hung outside the door and a huge white statue of him stood inside.
一幅大大的毛泽东彩色肖像悬挂在门外,而里面立着他的一尊巨大的白色塑像。The statue was just a short but provocative walk away from where Gaddafi hosted Western leaders in his tent over several years.
这座塑像时间虽短暂,但显示挑衅的意味,这表明帐篷中的卡扎菲对西方领导人由欢迎而转向敌意。Already, Indonesians had removed a statue of him that had been built in a public park in Jakarta.
印尼人已经把在一个雅加达公共公园给奥巴马树立的塑像拆除。A statue of him in Mostar, Bonsia became a rallying cry for peace when it was unveiled in 2005.