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唐 僧鸾 《赠李粲秀才》诗:“ 陇 西 辉用 真才子,搜奇探险无伦比。” 宋 欧阳修 《上山》诗:“躡蹻上高山,探险慕幽赏。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》五:“我和诸同志当时也是飘流震荡于这种狂涛海浪之中……决然想探一探险,求实际的结论。”如:到 南极 去探险。
We began to introduce that in our explorations, and we continued to make phenomenal discoveries with our new robotic technologies.
我们开始在我们的探险中推广这一技术,用我们的新机器人技术继续进行惊人的发现。His mission is clear: to help and encourage every young person to be able to live their own adventure through Scouting.
他的任务很明确就是帮助和鼓励每一个年轻人通过童子军活动去经历自己的探险。I decided it was one of the last chances for an expeditionary ride this year, and I'd be a sinner to let it pass.
我认定这是今年最后的探险机会之一,错过了我会成为罪人的。He had an interesting life in the early years of America and was remembered to an explorer and a pioneer.
他有有趣的生活在早年美国和记住了对探险家和先驱。But he had over 5000 people sign up to go with him as a result of that ad.
但最后有5000人报了名,因为这个广告打算和他一同探险。He left behind instructions saying that if his expedition did not return, no rescue parties should be sent as it was clearly too dangerous.
福塞特曾留下话说,如果他没能从那次探险中返回,千万不要派搜救队寻找他,因环境过于危险。JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A century ago, it was the explorers and infantrymen of Europe's great powers slugging it out for slices of Africa.
路透约翰内斯堡7月6日电(记者EdCropley)---一个世纪以前,欧洲强国的探险家和军队将非洲瓜分得四分五裂。Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman, " according to the report.
报道称,由于其亚洲之旅而而极富盛名的传奇探险家马可波罗不过是个骗子。At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes" .