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1. 祭 [jì]2. 祭 [zhài]祭 [jì]对死者表示追悼、敬意的仪式:~奠。~礼。~灵。~典。~扫。供奉鬼神或祖先:~祖。~天。~祀。~灶。使用(法宝):~起一件法宝。祭 [zhài]姓。……
汉语拼音:jì tán
刘大杰 《中国文学发展史》第一章三:“无论艺术哲学都得屈服于宗教意识之下,在祭坛下面得着其发展生命了。” 艾青 《吹号者》诗:“今日的原野呵,已用展向无限去的暗绿的苗草,给我们布置成庄严的祭坛了。”
侯宝林 《改行》:“赶上皇上斋戒忌辰,或是皇上出来祭坛,你都得歇工,你没有饭吃他不管。”
Altar boy - the whole shebang. Couldn't get out of it if I tried.
我的工作是祭坛助手。我试过。就不能离开了。And if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor, to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he may die.
如果有人蓄意谋杀,就必须处死;纵使他逃到我的祭坛前,也不能免。He will not be looking to the altars , the work of his hands, or to the wood pillars or to the sun-images which his fingers have made.
他们必不仰望祭坛,就是自己手所筑的,也不重看自己指头所作的,无论是木偶,是日像。According to the allusion of the almighty almanac, the government decided to set an altar on top of an alp which once was an allusion.
根据全能的历书暗示,政府决定在一座山峰的顶上设置一个祭坛,那儿曾经是一个冲击层。there was no idol in it, nor image of any kind, but only a mirror of round metal set on an altar of stone.
这里并没有供奉偶像,或是任何有色相的东西,只在石头祭坛上设着一面金属的圆镜子。And Noah builded an altar unto Jehovah, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.
挪亚为上主建造一座祭坛;他从礼仪上定为洁净的各种牲畜和飞鸟中各选一只,放在祭坛上作烧化祭。And I will lay the dead carcasses of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.
我也要将以色列人的尸首放在他们的偶像面前,将你们的骸骨抛散在你们祭坛的四围。Shall we not ask to be bound to it, the we may never be able to start back from our attitude of consecration?
我们不是要请求绳索把我们拴在祭坛上,使我们永远不把我们的奉献拿回来吗?And the priest shall burn them upon the altar, for the food of the fire, and of a most sweet savour. All the fat shall be the Lord's.