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蔡东藩 许廑父 《民国通俗演义》第十回:“ 唐绍仪 南下组阁, 南京 政府已承认撤销。” 丁玲 《法网》:“他同好些人谈过,他们也劝他把这官司撤消算了。” 茹志鹃 《剪辑错了的故事》五:“终于, 老寿 被搬了石头,撤销了他生产队队委、梨园管理负责人等职。”
These tactics are finally beginning to make them realize that we do not intend to back off from our various demands.
这些策略最终让他们开始认识到--我们根本不会撤销原本的要求(他们可以死心了)。Proportionally, that's as if the U. S. suddenly eliminated the Defense Department.
按这个比例计算,相当于美国突然撤销了其国防部。Zhejiang Satellite Television canceled a dating show. For a time, it looked as if all stations might have to do the same.
浙江卫视撤销了一档交友节目,一段时间内,所有的电视台看起来似乎都会步其后尘。Mr. Podesta said Mr. Obama also has begun to review President Bush's executive orders, to see which ones he might repeal.
波德斯塔表示,奥巴马还开始重新审视布什总统的行政命令,评估他可能撤销的政令。He also said the State Department has been heavily reviewing databases and revoking some U. S. visas it had previously issued.
他还说,国务院正在对资料库进行重大审核,并撤销了一些已签发的签证。The reason he give gave for not rescuing refusing himself with was that there was no financial game gain for him in making his decision.
他给出不撤销自己的理由是他从法官的裁决中没有金钱利益。If it does not change course, he said: "The president politically will be in an extremely difficult position to do anything but block it. "
戴利表示,如果华为不撤销决定,“除了阻止这一交易,其它任何决定都会让奥巴马在政治上陷入异常为难的境地。”ROBINSON Pay off lump sums perhaps, and just get rid of it. OK Milton Friedman, if you are made dictator for one day, the next day.
或许应该一次性补偿,然后撤销这个机构。好吧,米尔顿·弗里德曼,如果有朝一日你做了独裁者,接下来……But he said he saw no reason to allow them to back out.