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1. 勒 [lè]2. 勒 [lēi]勒 [lè]套在牲畜上带帽子的笼头:马~。收住缰绳不使前进:悬崖~马。强制:~令。~索。统率:~兵。雕刻:~石。~碑。~铭。勒 [lēi]用绳子等捆住和套住,然后用力拉紧:~紧。方言,强制,逼迫。……
汉语拼音:lè suǒ
明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·黔游日记二》:“哨目止勒索驼马担夫,见余辈,亦不甚阻挠。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录一》:“ 南皮 疡医某,艺颇精,然好阴用毒药,勒索重资。” 茅盾 《锻炼》二一:“虽然受了一场虚惊,可是船上人都很高兴,为的是他们借此也逃过了镇上军队的勒索。”
The problem, as he saw it, was that workers could use the threat of industrial unrest to "extort" money from their bosses.
他认为,问题在于,工人们会用罢工威胁向老板们“勒索”。The millionaire refused to acquiesce to the demand of his former driver, blackmailing him with photos of his extramarital affairs.
(一个百万富翁的前任司机以他婚外情的照片试图勒索他,这个富翁拒绝了他的要求。)I'm not trying to extort money from you but the law requires that you pay me a $300 fine.
警官说,“我不是在勒索你,但法律规定,你得交300美元的罚款。”In some cases they may have been genuinely mistaken, but in others the claims seem to have been blatant extortion.
在一些案例中,当事人可能的确误认为施救者为加害方,但其他一些案例中的诉讼请求看上去则似乎更像是露骨的勒索。The serial numbers matched those of the ransom money which had been noted to make it easier to track Cooper later.
钞票的序列号刚好与库帕劫机的勒索金一致,这就使得后来追踪库帕变得更容易了。The bad news was that this supply route is also fraught with pitfalls, from arduous delays to bribes and extortion.
坏消息是这条补给线路同样充满了陷阱,包括艰难运输造成的延误以及贿赂、勒索等。There seems to be in doubt, extortion and murder are Shiteenwude most trusting, missing the son-in-law are willing to mine.
人们似乎都在怀疑,勒索及谋杀都是斯特恩乌德最为信任的,失踪了的大女婿雷甘所为。God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
神啊,我感谢你,我不像别人勒索、不义、奸淫,也不像这个税吏。None of these officials were named, but the letter writer cursingly accused them of collaborating against him in an extortion plot.