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绳索。参见“ 摸苏 ”。
金 元好问 《续夷坚志·贾叟刻木》:“ 平阳 贾叟 ,无目而能刻神像…… 交城 县中寺 一佛,是其所刻,仪相端严。僧説 贾 初立木胎,先摸索之,意有所会,运斤如风。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“他姊弟三人依旧坐下, 王夫人 摸索着 寳玉 的脖项説道:‘前儿的丸药都吃完了没有?’”《儿女英雄传》第十八回:“那马凭他怎样的摸索,风丝儿不动!”
唐 刘餗 《隋唐嘉话》卷中:“ 许敬宗 性轻傲,见人多忘之。或谓其不聪。曰:‘卿自难记。若遇 何 、 刘 、 沉 、 谢 ,暗中摸索著,亦可识之。’” 宋 刘克庄 《沁园春·答九华叶贤良》词:“英雄埋没蓬蒿,谁摸索当年 刘 与 曹 。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·虹桥录下》:“ 懒予 曾与客弈於画舫。一刦未定, 镇淮门 已扃。终局后将借宿 枝上村 ,逡巡摸索,未得其门。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第七章:“为了给同志们摸索点经验,今天我就跟你干了!”
I felt alone from that point forward, but I think each of you is going to have your own internal clock.
从那以后我一人摸索着前进,但我想你们每个人都将形成,自己的内部规划表。As she fumbled for her wallet I notice a remote control for a television set in her purse.
她在包里摸索寻找钱包的时候,我注意到在她的包里有一个电视遥控器。Come, he hath hid himself among these trees, to be consorted with the humorous night: Blind is his love and best befits the dark.
来,他已经躲到树丛里,跟那多露水的黑夜作伴去了;爱情本来是盲目的,让他在黑暗里摸索去吧。He hunted for the light switch along the wall of the dark room.
他沿着那黑暗房间的墙壁摸索灯的开关。Nearly a week, you can only groped for the wall, slowly the dark corridor.
已经有将近一个星期,你只能摸索着墙壁,慢慢上下这漆黑的楼道。"How did you get here? " she asked as she fumbled in her pocket for her keys.
“你怎么来的?”她一边在口袋里摸索着钥匙一边问道。Almost every morning Bartimaeus would probably pick up his walking stick to help him find his way to the Jericho city gate.
几乎每天早上,巴底买可能都拄著探路的拐杖,摸索来到耶利哥城门口。It was an intimate violation, this burrowing into themost private part of a woman's anatomy.
在这个女孩遗体最隐私的部位,这样摸索,也是一种侵犯吧。When a tadpole came into the circle, I blocked the entrance with a stone. Secondly, I kept looking for the tadpole in the water.