词语:洛夫(1928- )热度:239

词语洛夫(1928- )拆分为汉字:




1. 夫 [fū]2. 夫 [fú]夫 [fū]旧时称成年男子:渔~。农~。万~不当之勇。旧时称服劳役的人:~役。拉~。〔~子〕a.旧时对学者的称呼;b.旧时称老师;c.旧时妻称夫;d.称读古书而思想陈腐的人。与妻结成配偶者:丈~。~妇。夫……


查询词语:洛夫(1928- )

汉语拼音:luò fū

词语洛夫(1928- )基本解释


词语洛夫(1928- )在线造句

  1. Dimitrov, who died aged 31, had the mobile with him when he was shot while eating out with a beautiful model.


  2. "It may be that the core of our planet is unchanged as a result of life; but it would be unwise to assume it, " Lovelock said.


  3. Who was Lovejoy and why did his death cause such a strong reaction around the country?


  4. "Russians are drinking a little bit more due to the crisis, and this helped me get out of the rubbish dump, " Konovalov said.


  5. The spotter then ran to Clovelly Corner to try to get the swimmer out of the water, but the attack took place before he could reach him.


  6. Lovelock says, "The Gaia theory is a bit stronger than coevolution, " at least as biologists use the word.


  7. They would have to fight me for a place, just as with Olof Mellberg.


  8. He had been content to let Croft manage the platoon again for a time.


  9. This time the geniuses seem to have created a "lemons crisis" , after the celebrated paper by the Nobel laureate George Akerloff*.
