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1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……
汉语拼音:xìng wèi
五代 齐己 《残春连雨中偶作怀故人》诗:“不知何兴味,更有好诗题。” 宋 梅尧臣 《睡意》诗:“四时自得兴味佳,岂必鏘金与鸣玉。” 元 张寿卿 《红梨花》第一折:“我此一来,专为要见 谢金莲 而来,不想他嫁了人。哥哥便留我在书房中安住,也没什么兴味。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许广平》:“她和我谈的,大抵是二三十年前的和邻居的事情,我不大有兴味,但也只得听之。”
Usually he looked as if he saw things, was full of life, and warm.
通常,他的神色仿佛在憧憬着什么,显得那么生机勃勃,兴味盎然。Next to her, three other vampires with golden eyes stared at me with open curiosity.
在她身旁的三个有着金色眸子的吸血鬼也大方地饶有兴味的瞧着我。I shall use the benefit concealer that I do not know what the Chinese name has interest to the counter asked, a little blue Pinger.
我自己用的是benefit那款遮瑕,不知道中文名叫什么,有兴味去专柜问,一个蓝色的小瓶儿。He was still an interested factor in the merry-makings of the world, while she -- but she did not pursue the thought.
他还是饶有兴味地去寻欢作乐的场所消遣。而她却--这一点她没有继续往下想。If you can see everything with a sense of humor, you are an interesting person, and people will never feel dull together with you.
假如你能带着诙谐感对待一切事物,那你是一个令人感兴味的人,人们和你在一同也不会感到单调乏味。He looked at me with some amusement.
他饶有兴味地看着我。I have always been interested in medicine and I believe to be a doctor is really right up my alley.
本人不断对医学很感兴味,本人以为本人很合适当一个大夫。He is so handsome, so that each girl had met him deeply in love with him, yet there is no one girl can lead to his interest.
他是那样俊秀,使每一个见到他地姑娘都深深地爱上啦他,但是却没一位姑娘能够惹起他地兴味。"I am a rather busy man, Mr. Gibson, " said he, "and I have no time or taste for aimless conversations. I wish you good morning"