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1. 熏 [xūn]2. 熏 [xùn]熏 [xūn]气味或烟气接触物品,引申为长期接触的人或事物对品行、习惯的影响:~染。~陶。~制。利欲~心。火烟上出:~蒸。气味刺激人:臭气~人。暖和:~风。熏 [xùn](煤气)使人窒息中毒。……
汉语拼音:xūn zhēng
You can heat the biomass, irradiate it with gamma rays, grind it into a fine slurry, or subject it to high-temperature steam.
我们可以加热生质原料、以γ射线照射、绞成细碎的泥状,或以高温蒸汽熏蒸;Phosphine (PH3) is one of the best fumigant, widely recognized as the performance control stored product insects.
磷化氢(PH3)是目前公认的防治储藏物害虫性能最优良的熏蒸剂之一。Wood packing materials fumigated with methyl bromide should be accompanied with an official certificate attesting to the treatment.
用溴甲烷熏蒸处理过的木质包装应附有官方证书证明进行了这种处理。Methyl bromide is one of the most widely used fumigants in the world and is one of ozone-depleting substances.
甲基溴是一种多用途的广谱熏蒸剂和消耗臭氧层物质。Soil fumigants are extensively used to control nematodes, weeds, soil-borne pathogen, and insects for planting of high value cash crops.
在高附加值经济作物的种植过程中,通过熏蒸剂对土壤的处理能够有效的防治线虫,土传病虫害以及杂草。This generally includes dusting individuals' inner clothing and bedding with an insecticide or fumigating clothing.
这一般包括个人内衣和床单的除尘和杀虫剂喷洒或者熏蒸衣物。Theoretically, one would expect the distribution of a fumigant to be more rapid at lower soil water contents.
在理论上,预计熏蒸剂的分配在土壤水分含量较低时会更迅速。The chloroform fumigation-incubation method was used to measure the biomass-C and-N of soils with different fertility levels.
应用氯仿熏蒸培养法测定不同肥力水平的土壤生物量-C和-N。It requires that packs be treated with heat or fumigated with methyl bromide and marked, often branded, with a seal of compliance.