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1. 熏 [xūn]2. 熏 [xùn]熏 [xūn]气味或烟气接触物品,引申为长期接触的人或事物对品行、习惯的影响:~染。~陶。~制。利欲~心。火烟上出:~蒸。气味刺激人:臭气~人。暖和:~风。熏 [xùn](煤气)使人窒息中毒。……
1. 陶 [táo]陶 [táo]用黏土烧制的器物:~俑。~粒。~瓷。~管。~器。制造陶器:~冶。~铸。喻教育、培养:~化。~育。~染。熏~。快乐的样子,使快乐:~然。~醉。~~。古同“淘”,洗。姓。……
汉语拼音:xūn táo
梁启超 《天演学初祖达尔文之学说及其略传》:“﹝ 达尔文 ﹞为教师 亨士罗 所器重,受其熏陶,慨然有立伟功于学界之志。” 茅盾 《追求》八:“现在有他自己在那里日夕熏陶,改变也是容易的。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“ 曾思懿 是一个自小便在士大夫家庭里熏陶出来的女人。”
If my son has any habits of thrift at all, he has picked them up as rare examples, probably from his wife's family.
假使儿子有那么一点点节俭的美德,这很可能是受他夫人家极少的良好熏陶而来。Compared with other youngsters, a young man working at the Youth League receives more education from the Party, he said.
他说,与其他年轻人相比,团干部可能因为岗位的特点,受党的教育熏陶更多点。The good thoughts and behavior do not form in a short time but form by long-time train of every matter, every activity and every course.
学生良好的思想行为不是一朝一夕形成的,而是通过每一件事,每一项活动,每一节课,长期熏陶才能形成。His father was a miller. His mother had been a teacher, and from her, young John derived his great love of books and an interest in writing.
他的父亲是个磨坊主,母亲曾经当过教师。正是在母亲的熏陶下,小约翰有了对读书的强烈爱好和对写作的兴趣。He said a preference for taller leaders reflects an "evolved psychological trait, independent of any cultural conditioning. "
他说,对高个子领导的偏爱反映出一种“独立于任何文化熏陶的进化后的心理特征”。Was it a case of literary nurture over biological nature?
他追问道:“莫非这是后天的文学熏陶胜过了先天的生物本性?”Description : Another example of a fine long term adult-child friendship fostered by eco village life.
描述:一个被生态生活熏陶出来的成人——孩子友谊友好长存例子。The youngest child in one of the nation's most powerful political families, Kennedy was raised to a life of public service.
爱德华·肯尼迪出生于美国最有权势的一个政治家庭,在家中排行最小。他从小就受到熏陶,立志从事公共服务。Because you talk in a coquettish manner just like a little girl. It must have come under someone's influence.